Thank You, Donald! Feb 02, 2025

I am a proud Canadian. I love my country.

What the United States - under the leadership of Donald Trump -has done to us by imposing these trade tariffs is unfair, possibly illegal, and just plain shitty. 

However, I do not believe that our country will fall apart, in fact I believe the...

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Delivering Massive Value Jan 26, 2025

Over the break, I listened to an audiobook by a financial professional in the States, 'Delivering Massive Value' recorded by Matthew Jarvis. The book is a bit of a how-to for advisors on creating systems in your business to not only make things more efficient, but deliver a level of service to...

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Blue Collar Millionaires inheritance leaving money to kids multi-generational wealth retirement retirement planning tax Dec 04, 2024

People’s Perception of Themselves is Hard to Break

The most common scenario I run into with retired clients is that they have more money than they will ever need. They have earned, saved and lived within their means for so long, they don’t know any different.

But here is the problem...

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The Rental Generation: What Happens When Ownership is No Longer The Goal? financial security home ownership millenials primary residence rent vs. buy tax shelter tfsa Nov 26, 2024

There is a whole generation of Canadians out there that have no interest in owning - well, anything.

They are happy to rent their apartments.

They take Uber instead of buying their first car.

They AirBnb condos all over the world instead of striving to buy their own cabin.

Heck, they don’t...

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Whole Life Insurance - The Expensive Kind ... hear me out calgary money advice estate planning financial planning insurance policy life insurance life insurance policy term insurance whole life insurance Jun 17, 2024

An overwhelming portion of Canadians do not need whole life insurance. It’s expensive, complicated, and more difficult to apply for than its more approachable peer, term life insurance.

But for those who need it, boy is it a wonderful wealth building tool!


First, Term Insurance


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You're Going to Pay Taxes on That calgary money advice estate planning financial planning investing Jun 17, 2024

When you buy an investment and the value of that investment goes up over time, you are going to pay tax on it. There's no way around it. I don’t care if it is a stock, a piece of artwork, shares in your own business, or a 10-unit commercial building, the tax man will cometh, eventually.


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Take Fridays Off retirement retirement planning Jun 17, 2024

Someone reading this needs to give themselves permission to ‘take Fridays off.’ Is it you? 

Maybe it’s not a short work week, but an extra long vacation, or a start time of 10am and not feeling guilty about it. Can you give yourself permission to take the dog for a walk at...

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I Give Away Too Much for Free financial advice financial planning money management Jun 06, 2024

…or so I’ve been told.

People doing what I am doing charge up to $2,500 for what I give away for free.

Is it worth $2,500? Yes, 100% it is. A proper financial plan will save some hundreds of thousands, even millions, of dollars over the years. 

I will drive to people’s...

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Not Much Meat on the Bone investing investment returns money management risk tolerance Jun 06, 2024

It’s becoming nearly impossible for investment managers to beat the public markets. We call this ‘alpha;’ the difference between what your investment manager is getting you from a return and what the general market is getting.

So why even bother with an advisor? Why not just...

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Market Ups and Downs: Who Cares? calgary money advice financial advice financial planning investing investment returns risk tolerance Jun 06, 2024

This should not be a controversial take, but it is: 

You should not care what ‘the markets’ are doing.  

Focus on you and your plan.


The market is not a logical place

Stock markets are notoriously irrational places; they can go up or down based on a tweet, a war...

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Retirement Spending Explained calgary money advice financial planning money management retirement retirement planning retirement savings Jun 06, 2024

Above is a graph of a typical retiree’s spending over time. It’s not scientific; it’s not derived from a famous study, but it is a trend that I have found to hold true with almost all retired clients.

Let me explain.


The upward slant

Life costs more every year. The...

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Whatโ€™s Funding Your Retirement? budget retirement retirement planning retirement savings Jun 01, 2024

If your family is anything like mine, you’re spending money at breakneck speeds. It is truly impressive how quickly a monthly pay cheque can be eaten up by gymnastics dues, swim lessons, and the occasional wing night.

I’ve never felt so rich and so poor simultaneously.

The benefit I...

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