Thank You, Donald!
Feb 02, 2025I am a proud Canadian. I love my country.
What the United States - under the leadership of Donald Trump -has done to us by imposing these trade tariffs is unfair, possibly illegal, and just plain shitty.
However, I do not believe that our country will fall apart, in fact I believe the opposite. This is an inflection point in Canadian history and cannot help but believe we will choose wisely.
Go on, Dave...I'm listening.
What is a Tariff?
A tariff is a tax. In this case, US citizens and businesses will pay an extra 20% to THEIR government on all goods purchased in the United States that were built/mined/created in Canada.
In theory, it is supposed to make goods built 'right here at home in the ol' U - S - of - A' be more appealing to buy. It gives American suppliers a 20% head start on selling something profitable to Americans.
Again, in theory, this creates more jobs in the country, reduces independence on foreign dollars and benefits the economy of the nation imposing the tariff.
The United States is the GOAT of Consumption 🐐
No one buys shit like the United States. If you can sell your product or service into the United States, you have made it! I read a stat yesterday that the US has 3% of the world's children in it, and 40% of the world's toys. Let that sink in.
Canadians NEED the US arguably more so than any other country on earth. We are their biggest trading partner, as they are ours. This will only hurt both nations and makes absolutely no sense.
To be (unfairly) punished by the United States government imposing these tariffs to their absolute bestie and number one trading partner is going to hurt a lot of businesses. Regardless of if it is only temporary, this WILL send shockwaves through our economy at home.
There will be retaliation from Canada because that is what a government is supposed to do. It is supposed to stick up for it's people.
It is supposed to put it's country's needs first.
I read this morning that the LCBO (Ontario's draconian public liquor distribution service) is halting the sale of all US goods on their shelves. No more Budweiser, no more 'fab pinot' from Napa. Ontario consumes $1 BILLION dollars of US booze per year. 🤯
They Owe Us Nothing
Here's the thing, the United States owes us nothing. Decades of Canadian governments - both blue and red parties - have taken this relationship for granted. It is our fault that we are so dependent on them, NOT theirs.
We ARE great neighbours (notice the correct spelling!).
Our men and women have died in wars together.
We were the first to lend a hand when they were under attack from terrorists.
Our firefighters are currently shoulder-to-shoulder with theirs trying to save lives and homes in California.
But that does not mean that they owe us anything, they have every right to put their people first.
Canada First
Up until this point, Canadians have had the luxury of being able to fight amongst ourselves. President 47 has stripped us of that privilege; Canadians are now being forced to get along and do what is best for the whole nation - not just what any particular region feels good about.
Did you know that intra-provincial politics cost us over $200 BILLION annually?! Read that again.
Remember when Montreal's Mayor, Denis Coderre, compared Albertans to 'The Flinstones' for supporting oil and gas?
Did you know that Quebec has received over $327 BILLION in transfer payments between 2007 and 2022? Alberta you ask? We have GIVEN over $244 BILLION in that same time period.
Our 'dirty oil' is paying for Quebec schools, hospitals, and $10 a day daycare.
Well guess what, folks? The Coderre's of the world are losing their voice, they are being asked politely to get out of the way and let Canada build together. As one.
My Hope
My hope is that these tariffs are short lived; Trump proves his point (whatever that may be?), our nation is scared straight, and we start to become the great, wealthy and powerful nation that we can be.
My hope is that we support local, that we are there for our towns, cities, and provinces first.
My hope is that we open our trade paths for our resources to sell them all over the world.
My hope is that we take the long approach and invest in infrastructure that will ensure that no matter who sits in the Oval Office, Canada can be all that it is supposed to be...
The greatest country on the earth.
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