Baring Your Financial Details Can Leave You Feeling Exposed
Mar 19, 2024
I get it, baring your financial details can make you feel exposed and vulnerable, maybe even judged.
Giving someone access to your finances feels vulnerable, whether you have a little, a lot, or have no idea how much you have. Even (especially) with family and friends, sharing financial information can be very uncomfortable and most people avoid it. It remains an unspeakable topic in many relationships, right next to religion and politics.
Why is it tough to talk about money?
Money is highly personal and sharing our details opens us up to all sorts of judgment, real or perceived, depending on the relationship.
- What will they think?
- Will they tell others?
- Will they laugh?
- Will they judge me?
- Will they expect me to pay for things?
- Will they treat me differently?
It often feels easier to avoid the subject altogether.
Who Can You Trust?
When it comes to managing your money, it’s critical to work with someone who knows all your details, isn’t going to judge you, and can help get you where you want to be. It might be more comfortable to have an arm's-reach relationship with your Financial Planner, but I’m not that kind of finance guy.
I develop close relationships with my clients, not because I have some sick need to know everything, but so that I can be as helpful as possible. Knowing how much you have and how much you want helps me do that.
When choosing a Financial Planner, trust is a big deal. In fact, it’s the biggest deal. I’m dead in the water without it. You need to trust me to hold your personal details under lock and key, and to advise you without judgment. I base my entire business (and character) on my role as a trusted partner.
I get no joy out of sharing others’ private information with anyone else. As much as we want to believe that everyone wants to know our business, nobody cares! Plus, I took an oath to keep private matters private and I wholeheartedly believe in that oath.
No judgment
I’m human. I have my own money shame. I’m not perfect with my money, neither were my parents. And I sure as hell don’t have all my shit together. I don’t judge anyone.
Don’t run when you see me
Don’t worry, I never solicit my friends, neighbours, or fellow school volunteers. If you’re one of these, please don’t run away when you see me coming. I am no more interested in seeing what’s in your bank accounts than I am which Hollywood couple is divorcing this month (I truly do NOT care 🙄) unless you believe I can be helpful. Then I’m happy to chat.
Isn’t it time you knew how much you have?
Do you know how much you have? How about how much you need for what you want? You might be surprised at how many people have no idea what they really have.
I don’t love the banks - it’s no secret - because I know they can’t give you the same depth of service I can, but one bank in particular had some marketing genius in their back pocket and came up with a slogan that I can’t deny: “You’re richer than you think.”
They’re very likely right! More often than not, when I am faced with a nervous client who believes they are barely scraping by, and when we take a look at what they have, they realize they have more than they thought. They’re richer than they thought!
It’s awesome to see people walk away a little lighter than when they came in. I live for the visible relief I see wash over people’s faces and bodies after realizing they’re going to be okay, and that their dreams are possible.
Creating a financial plan can help you realize how much you have and the reality of reaching your financial dreams; you can quite literally turn your dreams into plans.
If I can be of any help in getting you more comfortable with what a Financial Planner does, and why it’s important to have one - if you want to make that future dream a reality - give me a shout. I love talking about this stuff.
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